Friday, February 15, 2013

Temple Missionary Conference: Love One Another

As we have mentioned in earlier posts, we are in charge of the monthly luncheon at the Temple Missionary Conference for the Madrid Temple missionaries and for other local missionaries. For the month of February, we chose the theme of "Love One Another" (the conference was held the week of Valentine's Day).

For centerpieces on the tables, Beverly made "heart" flowers, put the vase on a paper doily and added heart candies (which were difficult to find in Spain!):

The complete decorations for the tables looked like this:

We were happy that Elder Mike and Sister Charmaine Anderson (whose mission blog is were able to join us. Here they are seated with Sister and President Tenney (he is the Madrid Temple President):
The Andersons are here in Madrid just long enough to apply for their Spanish residency card, and then they are heading to Tenerife of the Canary Islands to work with the Young Single Adult program and employment. They will do a great job!

We were also happy to welcome other new missionaries, Sister Smalley (at left; new temple missionary), Sister Vivian and Elder Bruce Sullivan, who are seated next to President and Sister Sitterud (he is the Madrid MTC President):
Elder and Sister Sullivan are also working with the young single adults and employment. They live in an apartment building located across the street from the temple.

Finally, we were happy to welcome a new temple missionary couple, Elder Greg and Sister Montie Jones. They are seated next to Sister and Elder PĂ©rez (long-time temple missionaries), and President and Sister Somoza (he is first counselor in the temple presidency):
The Jones were employment missionaries in Madrid previously, and they worked one day a week in the temple. They have now returned to serve full-time in the temple. They are a great addition to our temple missionary force.

We enjoy our monthly missionary conference. It's great to eat delicious food, to enjoy each others' company, and to hear a spiritual message from President Tenney.

1 comment:

  1. It was great to attend with you. The conference was a special treat for us. Pres. Tenney's talk was nice to hear in both Spanish and English. And a wonderful spread of food and fun table decor. We were also pleased to attend the fireside on Sunday where the Zimmermans gave inspiring talks to the missionaries in the MTC. We so much enjoyed meeting you and attending the activitie here in Madrid.
