Monday, February 18, 2013

Fiesta de Despedida (Farewell Party) for Ebys

On Saturday evening, February 16, we (Scott and Beverly) organized a farewell party for Jon and Diane Eby, Madrid Temple missionaries, who left for home the following Monday. Here is a copy of the invitations that we sent around to all the local senior missionaries:

The MTC President and his wife were kind enough to invite us to hold the event at the MTC cafeteria on the top floor of our apartment building. Elder Eby served not only in the temple but also as a counselor in the MTC presidency.

Sister Smalley (new temple missionary), Sister Sitterud (wife of the MTC president), and Sister Jones (new temple missionary with her husband) enjoy chatting together before the meal:

Elder Pérez, Pres. Paya (counselor in the temple presidency), and Elder Jones (new temple missionary with his wife) visit with each other: 

We had a pot-luck dinner with salads and desserts and barbecue sandwiches. This photo shows (left to right around the serving table) Sister Hernández, Sister López, Sister Eby, Sister Smalley, Elder Eby, Sister de Schweinitz (background), and Beverly at the end of the table (all are temple missionaries):

Another group of missionaries dish up their food–Elder Gutiérrez, Daniel Gutiérrez, Pres. Paya, Sister Conesa, Sister Salas, Elder Alfonso, Sister Blesa, Elder Lloyd and Sister Pérez:

After the dinner, the Elder and Sister Eby expressed their love and appreciation to everyone:

The Ebys were wonderful and effective temple missionaries. They were our dear friends and we will miss them greatly.

1 comment:

  1. We were fortunate to be at the MTC the week that the Ebys finished their mission. Since Elder Eby was in the MTC presidency, we were able to hear them talk to the missionaries. Their experience in Peru during a previous mission were particularly inspiring. They only live a couple of miles from us at home and we already plan on having them talk to our empty nesters family home evening group when we return. A great couple.
