Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Elders Rigtrup and Levorsen for Dinner

Last night (November 27), we had two new elders in our area over for dinner. They were Elder Max Rigtrup of Washington, D.C., and Elder Colton Levorsen of Draper, Utah. Scott made chicken fajitas:

He tried to make about twice as much as he expected these young missionaries could eat, but they managed to eat almost all of it--each one had three huge fajitas--as well as eating up the fruit salad that Beverly had prepared! They seemed so appreciative, that Beverly sent them home with a batch of fruit salad, a package of corn tortillas, and the leftover fajita filling.

Before leaving, they shared a scripture with us (2 Nephi 2:25), an accompanying spiritual thought, and their testimony, all in excellent Castillian Spanish.

We took their picture before they left:
Elder Max Rigtrup (left) and Elder Colton Levorsen
These are such wonderful, enthusiastic, dedicated missionary. It was a joy to get to know them.


  1. I have been following your blog for quite sometime. I have enjoyed it so much. You can imagine my surprise and excitement when I read your blog today. Elder Levorsen is our son! He looks so great! We are so proud of him. Thank you so much for having them to dinner. We are grateful that is has the opportunity to serve with such wonderful people like yourselves.

  2. What a great picture of what we like to call "Happy Max". Thank you so much for feeding them and posting this wonderful picture. What more can a missionary mom want?!

  3. I'm so glad to see you are feeding my sweet Elder Rigtrup! We love him dearly. Please send good wishes to him from his favorite Aunt Julie!

  4. Oh, how we love our Max! Thank you for taking care of him! So fun to see him happy and doing well on his mission. I always loved sharing a meal with our couple missionaries when I was on a mission. It was like being treated to a little bit of home. Lots of love from Elder Rigtrup's favorite-est aunt christie!
