In August, our theme was "I Will Manifest Myself in This House." We built a simplified model of the Madrid temple using cubes of cardstock with photos Scott had taken of the temple and the temple missionaries:
The table decorations in blues and purples looked like this:
For the theme in September, "The Kingdom of God or Nothing," we made simplified models of the stained glass windows of the Madrid Temple. The windows show the three degrees of glory:
The table decorations in yellows and oranges looked like this:
The following are pictures of those in attendance at the September conference (except Scott, who took the pictures):
Elder Greg and Sister Monti Jones, Sister Terry Tenney, President Donald Tenney |
President Carlos and Sister Somoza, Elder José María and Sister Loli López, Sister Otilia López |
Elder José Gutiérrez, Elder Aquilino Duarte, Daniel Gutiérrez, Sister Gutiérrez |
Sister Miriam de Schweinitz, Sister Lia Cioban, Elder Martin and Sister Karen Schellenberg, Sister Jean and Elder Joe Riggs (employment missionaries) |
Elder Bruce and Sister Vivienne Sullivan (Young Single Adult missionaries), Sister Betty Jo Smalley, Beverly |
Sister Gabriella and Elder Lamar Lloyd, Elder Kelly and Sister Zella Grieve, Elder and Sister Igual |
The conferences are a wonderful opportunity to hear a message from our temple president and to socialize with fellow missionaries.The September conference was our last one to be in charge. We have enjoyed the challenge of creating a theme and decorations, assigning food and music, and conducting the meeting for the past 12 Temple Missionary Conferences.